Die National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) ehrt fünf Vererber, die neue Multi-Millionen Dollar Marken setzten:

Der 2012 verstorbene NRHA Hall of Famer Smart Chic Olena (Smart Little Lena x Gay Sugar Chic) ist jetzt NRHA Seven Million Dollar Sire. Der von Emily Woodall gezüchtete “Chic” war u.a. NRHA Open Reserve World Champion unter Craig Johnson. Typisch für seine Nachkommen sind Athletik, der Wille zum Mitmachen und seine Ruhe. Unter ihnen sind allein 5 NRHA Million Dollar Sire: Magnum Chic Dream, Rowdy Yankee, Smart Spook, Chocolate Chic Olena und Spat Olena.
Seine erfolgreichsten Nachkommen:
- Smart Spook (out of Sugarplum Spook, by Grays Starlight): $403,149 LTE
- Shiners Chic (out of Ebony Shines, by Shining Spark): $298,384 LTE
- Shine Chic Shine (out of Ebony Shines, by Shining Spark): $148,714 LTE
- Smartest Chic Olena (out of Colonels Dove, by Colonel Spats: $129,061 LTE
- Smart N Sparkin (out of Setting Off Sparks, by Shining Spark): $121,697 LTE
- Commandalena (out of Givenchy Command, by Fritz Command): $115,894 LTE
- Chic Please (out of San O Lenita, by Tenino San): $108,085 LTE
- Wind Her Up Chic (out of Wind Her Up Doc, by Docs Sidewinder): $102,710 LTE
- Chocolate Chic Olena (out of Jae Bar Felcia, by Leos Question): $86,176 LTE
- Rowdy Yankee (out of Nita Chex, by Ready Chex): $84,480 LTE
Dazu die NRHA Six Million Dollar Sires Magnum Chic Dream (out of Sailin Barbee) und Smart Spook (out of Sugarplum Spook).
Foto: John Brasseaux

der mittlerweile 23-jährige Magnum Chic Dream, der von Guy Du Ponchel gezüchtet wurde und im Besitz von Viola Scott ist, gewann selbst über $44,000 in der Show Arena.
Seine erfolgreichsten Nachkommen:
- Chic Dreamin (out of Skeets Red Dunit, by Skeets Peppy): $239,876 LTE
- Taris Dreamer (out of Taris San Cutter, by Doc Tari): $193,511 LTE
- Msdreamy (out of A Gal With A Gun, by Gunner): $179,169 LTE
- Mega Maggie Mae (out of Cinco De Mega, by Marthas Mega Jac): $170,133 LTE
- Lil Magnum Jessie (out of Lil Ruf Jessie, by Lil Ruf Peppy): $166,274 LTE
- Chicsdundreamin (out of Goody Goody Dun Drop, by Hollywood Dun It): $153,510 LTE
- Made By Magnum (out of Ready Make Cowboy, by Master Cowboy Jac): $152,668 LTE
- Chics Dream (out of First Ex Flame, by Expensive Flame): $147,611 LTE
- Magnum Starlights (out of Starlights Sugarwhiz, by Little Bay Starlight): $144,788 LTE
- Magnum With A Dream (out of Shine On Sayo, by Shining Spark): $128,254 LTE
Foto: John Brasseaux

Der jetzt 18-jährige NRHA Hall of Famer Smart Spook, der im Besitz seiner Züchterin Rosanne Sternberg ist, brachte es auf über $403,149 NRHA LTE . Unter Shawn Flarida war er 2004 NRHA L4 Open Futurity Champion, 2005 NRHA L4 Open Derby Champion und 2005 AQHA World Show junior reining Champion. Außerdem gewann er 2007, 2008 und 2009 das FEI World Reining Masters unter Rudi Kronsteiner.
Seine erfolgreichsten Nachkommen:
- Custom Spook (out of Custom Spinderella, by Custom Crome): $235,749 LTE
- Shine N Spook (out of Ebony Shines, by Shining Spark): $219,826 LTE
- Red Stripe Spook (out of Ms Red Capri, by Jacs Aledo Bar): $179,766 LTE
- Spooks N Jewels (out of Whiz Jewels, by Topsail Whiz): $165,223 LTE
- Ebony Spook (out of Ebony Whiz): $160,634 LTE
- Spook Off Sparks (out of Setting Off Sparks): $142,339 LTE
- Patriot (out of Dunit A Lil Ruf): $138,738 LTE
- Hey Joe (out of Best Stop): $121,450 LTE
- Spook N Perla (out of Shine On Ruff): $112,306 LTE
- Jacs Lil Spook (out of Miss Whoa Jac): $108,935 LTE
Foto: Cam Essick

NRHA Hall of Famer Smart Like Juice (Smart Little Lena x Jessies Oak), Bes. Smart Like Juice Inc./Jose Vazquez, wurde NRHA Four Million Dollar Sire. Der 1994 geborene Hengst stammt aus der Zucht von Lindy Burch. Er brachte es auf $56,096 NRHA LTE .
Seine besten Nachkommen:
- Juiced Up Doc (out of Jokes Startime, by Joker Solano): $196,813 LTE
- Like Shiner (out of Wind Her Up Shiner, by Shining Spark): $145,096 LTE
- Moonshine Juice (out of Wind Her Up Shiner, by Shining Spark): $122,365 LTE
- Wound By Juice (out of Wind Her Up Shiner, by Shining Spark): $112,368 LTE
- Moonshine N Juice (out of Wind Her Up Shiner, by Shining Spark): $98,858 LTE
- SLJ Sweet N Juicy (out of Jacks My Sugar Daddy, by Hollywood Jac 86): $88,821 LTE
- SLJ Ruf Juice (out of Ruf Catalyst, by Lil Ruf Peppy): $84,632 LTE
- Smart Like Valentino (out of Smart Little Jewel, by Smart Chic Olena): $69,502 LTE
- Gorgeous Like A Star (out of Hustle Up A Star, by Grays Starlight): $66,451 LTE
- Juice N Silk (out of Silk N Sable Pine, by Okie Paul Quixote): $66,212 LTE
Foto: John Brasseaux

Spooks Gotta Whiz (Spooks Gotta Gun x Prettywhizprettydoes) wurde NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire. Der 2007 geborene Hengst wurde von Clint Haverty gezüchtet und ist im Besitz von Michell Anne Kimball. Seine NRHA LTE liegen bei über $345,137. Der Hengst war 2010 NRHA L4 Open Futurity Champion unter Jordan Larson und 2012 NRHA L4 Open Derby Champion unter Shawn Flarida.
Seine erfolgrteichsten Nachkommen:
- Spooky Whiz (out of Myo Starlight, by Paddys Irish Whiskey): $184,715 LTE
- Gotta Twist It Up (out of Make It With A Twist, by Dun It With A Twist): $163,111 LTE
- Spooks Show Time (out of Dolittle Lena, by Shining Spark): $106,934 LTE
- Thebettertohearuwith (out of Chex Out The Cowgirl, by Lean With Me): $104,822 LTE
- Sharp Dressed Spook (out of Dolittle Lena, by Shining Spark): $93,536 LTE
- Spooks Grand Slam (out of Shiney Diamond Lady, by Shining Spark): $90,514 LTE
- Spooks Gotta Spark (out of Dolittle Lena, by Shining Spark): $66,804 LTE
- Spooks Gotta Crush (out of Megas Sugar Baby, by Marthas Mega Jac): $58,122 LTE
- Night Time Spook (out of Custom Night Time, by Custom Crome): $56,317 LTE
- Gotta Shiney Diamond (out of Shiney Diamond Lady, by Shining Spark): $50,038 LTE
Foto:Michell Kimball
Quelle: NRHA