Wie die NRHA USA meldet, soll das NRHA European Derby 2020 vom 28. Oktober bis 1. November im Rahmen des Equita’Lyon stattfinden – sofern es Corona nicht unmöglich macht.
Dazu die Meldung der NRHA:
To all of our European riders, owners, nominators and supporters,
2020 has proven itself to be a difficult year, the effects of a worldwide pandemic felt in every industry, every country, and every sport.
As we near the end of the year, I would like to provide an update on where we are at with the 2020 NRHA European Derby.
NRHA, your European Executive Board, GL Events and the team working with Equita, Lyon have been tirelessly monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the 2020 European Derby. Each week and almost each day the cases rise and fall in certain areas of Europe, and this can effect travel, borders, and event locations.
As of right now, unless we are told it will not be possible, the 2020 NRHA European Derby will be held in Chassieu, France in conjunction with Equita, Lyon on October 28th-November 1st. We understand that should the situation take a down-turn in terms of number of cases rising and the French government re-evaluating possibilities for events, it could mean that the event needs to be re-scheduled at a later date and/or different location. However at this time we have been given every confidence that the event will be able to move forward.
Should anything change we will notify you immediately. In the meantime, we look forward to you all being able to ride and compete!